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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Oxygen delivery

Oxygen delivery



The treatment of documented hypoxemia as determined by SaO2/SpO2 or inadequate blood oxygen tensions (PaO2) Note: Blood gases are not routinely done in children.

The target percentage % of O2 saturation of Hb (SaO2 or SpO2) is:
95 - 97% children/adults
88-92% for all neonates (premature or term less than 28 days of age) nursed in oxygen
>60% Cyanotic heart disease

An acute or emergency situation where hypoxemia or hypoxia is suspected, and if the child is in respiratory distress manifested by:

dyspnoea, tachypnoea, bradypnoea, apnoea
pallor, cyanosis
lethargy or restlessness
use of accessory muscles: nasal flaring, intercostal or sternal recession, tracheal tug

Short term therapy e.g. post anaesthetic or surgical procedure
Palliative care

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